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Two Samosely (2007)

Samosely ( Ukrainian самосели , Belarusian самасёлы / Samasjoly , Russian самосёлы / Samosjoly , - "self-settlers") are illegal residents in the 30 kilometer exclusion zone around the contaminated most areas near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Belarus and the Ukraine .


The zone includes a number of abandoned towns and villages, the current population of which is made up of people who either refused to vacate the area or who secretly resettled in the relatively unprotected region after it was cordoned off. The majority of the Samosely are elderly people who settled in the area before the Chernobyl nuclear disaster , although some of the Samosely are dissatisfied settlers from outside the region. When the population was evacuated, they were initially told they could return in a few days and many faced discrimination in the areas they were relocated to by the government. As of 2009, it is believed that fewer than 400 Samosely remained of the previous population of an estimated 10,000 (source?) . Most are concentrated in the city of Chornobyl itself, with about half of the population being distributed in other villages across the zone.


In Ukraine, the number of Samosely in 2020 was estimated at 120, compared to 197 in 2012, 328 in 2007 and 612 in 1999. Over the past 25 years there have been more than 900 deaths and only one birth in the exclusion zone from Chernobyl . The only known birth took place on August 25, 1999.

The major centers of the resident population in 2007:

settlement population Population (1986) region Ukrainian
Tschornobyl (city) 136 13,700 Ivankiv Чорнобиль
Illinois 37 1.059 Ivankiv Іллінці
Teremzi 36 463 Ivankiv Теремці
Kupuwate 32 324 Ivankiv Купувате
Opachychi 20th 681 Ivankiv Опачичі
Paryschiw 16 678 Ivankiv Паришів
Lubyanka 12 612 Poliske Луб'янка
Poliske (city) 10 12,000 Poliske Поліське
Otashiv 10 71 Ivankiv Оташів
Ladyschychi 8th 683 Ivankiv Ладижичі
Rudnja-Illinezka 8th 114 Ivankiv Рудня-Іллінецька
Sapillja 5 2.849 Ivankiv Запілля
Wiltscha (city) 3 3,000 Poliske Вільча
Novoshepelychi 2 1.683 Ivankiv Новошепеличі

Some families are also living illegally in the city of Chornobyl after moving from areas outside the exclusion zone to escape poverty. These people have ignored government orders to leave the country and are hostile to journalists. Local authorities claim that squatters have taken several houses in the city without the actual permission of the original owners.

In April 2013, the Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine Natalija Korolevska said the settlers receive full social support from the government, but ruled out the possibility of legalizing their residences in the zone as it is still forbidden to live there. The minister also said the ministry did not register the illegal settlers, but estimated the number for 2013 to be around 200-2000.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Wittmann: Chernobyl anniversary: ​​One man, one place. Retrieved August 16, 2020 .
  2. Чернобыльскую зону "захватывают" самоселы . August 28, 2012. Retrieved October 6, 2012.
  3. Единственного ребенка, рожденного в Чернобыле после аварии, самоселы отбили у чиновников - вобествобествоб . KP.UA. April 14, 2011. Retrieved October 6, 2012.
  4. Секреты Чернобыля - "Самоселы" . Retrieved October 6, 2012.
  5. В Чернобыльской зоне растет количество самоселов | Новости. Новости дня на сайте Подробности . September 16, 2012. Retrieved October 6, 2012.
  6. Королевська: у Чорнобильській зоні відчуження проживають до 2000 самоселів 2013-04-24 13:38:00. . April 24, 2013. Retrieved June 10, 2013.