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The Sankt-Olof-Quelle is a spring in Sankt Olof in the Swedish municipality of Simrishamn .

It is located south of Sankt Olof Church on the southwest corner of Sankt Olofs gård . A stream rises from the spring, which then runs in a south-westerly direction and after a while joins another stream.

The source used as a source of sacrifice is contained by stacked stones. Small objects, especially coins, were or are being thrown into the spring to solicit the support and help of Saint Olav . The diameter of the spring socket is about two meters at a depth of 80 centimeters. From the northeast, a small stone staircase leads down to the water. The spring is a place of pilgrimage and was important for the construction and maintenance of the neighboring Sankt-Olof-Kirche.

Individual evidence

  1. Sankt-Olof-Quelle - entry in the database "Fornsök" des Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish)

Coordinates: 55 ° 37 '55.6 "  N , 14 ° 7' 16.8"  E