Santi Quaranta Martiri Pisani

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The Santi Quaranta Martiri Pisani ( Holy Forty Martyrs of Pisa ) is a Baroque church in Palermo .

The church in Piazza Santi Quaranta Martiri was built in 1605 by Pisan families who had lived in Palermo since the 16th century. The building was provided with an atrium and courtyard. The simple facade is flanked on the sides by continuous pilasters with a triangular pediment. Above the portal, the blasted segmented gable points to a cartouche with the coat of arms of Pisa , a cross with lanceolate tips. Inside the church was lavishly decorated with stucco in 1725 and completely frescoed by Guglielmo Borremans .


  • Giuseppe Bellafiore: Palermo, Guida della città e dei dintorni . Edizioni Bes, Palermo 1978.
  • Adriana Chirco: Palermo la città ritrovata, venti itenari entro le mura . Dario Flaccovio, Palermo 1997, ISBN 88-7758-469-6 .
  • Pierfrancesco Palazzotto: Palermo. Guida agli oratori, Confraternite, compagnie e congregazioni dal XVI al XIX secolo . Kalós, Palermo 2004, ISBN 88-89224-07-X .

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Coordinates: 38 ° 6 ′ 57.9 ″  N , 13 ° 21 ′ 20.1 ″  E