Scandar Copti

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Scandar Copti (* 1975 in Jaffa, Tel Aviv , Israel ) is an Israeli filmmaker of Arab-Christian origin.


Scandar Copti was born to Maria, a director and education politician in Jaffa, and Ilya, a carpenter, in a Christian-Arab family in Jaffa, a district of Tel Aviv-Jaffa . He received a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the Technion and performed at the Technion Theater under the direction of Ouriel Zohar . He then studied film at Tel Aviv University and was at the same time assistant director to Eran Riklis in his drama The Syrian Bride .

After staging the short film אמת (translation: true / real) with the musician Rabia Bukhari in 2002 , he shot the drama Ajami together with Yaron Shani in 2009 . He not only took on the role of Binj, but also the direction, the script, the editing and the production of the film. Ajami has received national and international critical acclaim and film awards. After receiving the Israeli Ophir Film Award for Best Picture , it was automatically submitted for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film and was ultimately selected as one of five nominees. Copti commented that it was just a technical process and he didn't feel like he was being chosen by Israel to showcase the country at the Oscars. This led to major media protests within Israel.

Filmography (selection)

Awards and nominations (selection)

Ophir Award

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. במאי עג'מי סכנדר קובטי: "הכסף שקיבלתי מהמדינה זה נצחון פצפון של המיעוט הפלסטיני" on from March 19, 2010 (Hebrew), accessed January 8, 2012