Erhard Schürstab

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Coat of arms of the Schäferstab after Siebmacher

Erhard Schürstab († 1461) was a patrician and mayor of the imperial city of Nuremberg .


Schürstab came from the residents in the 13th century in the city of Nuremberg sex Schürstab whose ancestors of the family according to tradition from Sibiu had immigrated in Transylvania, where they had been settled in the country and "by Trauttenberg Castle" were called. From the nickname of one of these ancestors, as the family assumed, the name "Schürstab" originated, to which the "talking" coat of arms - two crossed burning sticks - corresponded. In 1668 the family died out. Erhard Schürstab was a son of Erhard Schürstab the Elder, who died in 1439, and Clara, a daughter of Berthold Pfinzing.

In 1440 he became a member of the City Council of Nuremberg, which he remained until the end of his life. From 1454 on, he was one of the five "electors" every other year, who were responsible for electing the council from the "honorable families". In 1454 he became "Losunger", d. H. Overseer of the treasury and the financial administration. He was also the nurse of the new hospital. In the feud between the city of Nuremberg and the Lords of Waldenfels, Schürstab was one of the six “warlords” of the city in 1443/44, and during the war with Margrave Albrecht Achilles von Brandenburg from 1449/1450, he was the mayor.

The report on this war and the "regulations", in which everything is laid down that was brought forward by the Nuremberg city and war regiment before and during the war, was wrongly attributed to Erhard Schürstab. Hegel suspected that he was only responsible for the - albeit most complete - collection of these "regulations" and a version of the war report that deviated significantly from the rest of the editorial offices in some points, especially in the story of the meeting at Pillenreut (March 11, 1450). That he later participated with particular zeal in the city administration, proves u. a. the fact that in 1459 he had the builder Endres Tucher draft a detailed description of the city's fountains and water pipes.

Married three times, he fathered twelve children. Schürstab died in 1461.

Web links


  • Martin Schieber, Ulrike Bauer-Buzzoni, Bianca Bauer-Stadler: patricians in Nuremberg. The sex of the poker. Publisher Hans Müller, 2009.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Chronicles of German Cities . Volume II, Leipzig 1864.
  2. ^ E. Tucher: Baumeisterbuch in: Publicationen des Stuttg. suffered. Association vol. 64, p. 163.