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The shagar was a measure of weight and grain in Shirvan (now a historical area of Azerbaijan ), a Russian province that was Persian until 1812. The measure was dependent on the size of the goods. For wheat , flour , rice , peas and lentils one calculated

  • 1 shagar = 50 Batman (meidan weight) = 1000 pounds (Russian) = 25 poods

For barley and millet was

  • 1 shagar = 40 Batman = 800 pounds (Russian) / Funti = 20 poods

For Chaltyk (a kind of rice)

  • 1 shagar = 30 Batman = 600 pounds (Russian) = 15 poods (1 pud = 16.36 kilograms )


  • August Schiebe : Universal Lexicon of Commercial Sciences. Volume 3, Friedrich Fleischer / Gebrüder Schumann, Leipzig / Zwickau 1839, p. 590.
  • Christian Noback , Friedrich Eduard Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight relationships. Volume 2, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 1106.