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Shakija (* unknown; † around 777 ) was an Andalusian Berber prince from the Miknasa people who revolted against the Emir of Cordoba Abd ar-Rahman I around 777 .


Shakija was a Miknese scholar who rose against the Emir of Córdoba in the west of Al-Andalus and holed up in front of him for many years in the mountainous Sierra Morena . Due to his (dubious) Alidian genealogy, he rose to be the leader of the Berbers of the region that did not want to submit to the rule of the emir. In the decisive battle, however, he was defeated by the army of Abd ar-Rahmans around 777 at the gates of the capital Cordoba.


  • Gustav Edmund von Grunebaum: "Muhammad". In: Golo Mann, August Nitschke (ed.): World history. Islam; The creation of Europe. Volume 5. Propylaea, Berlin a. Frankfurt am Main 1986, ISBN 3-549-05731-8 , p. 89.
  • Gustav Weil: History of the Islamic peoples from Mohammed to the time of Sultan Selim. Elibron Classics, 2005, ISBN 1-4212-4786-0 , p. 256 f. (Original: Rieger, Stuttgart 1866; limited preview in the Google book search).