Schiller robber problem
The Schiller-Räuber problem describes a phenomenon that can occur when searching in a database if part of the information in hierarchical data can only be found in the inheriting table row. The name is derived from Schiller's play Die Räuber , which is a volume in a series of publications .
Examples of the Schiller-Räuber problem
A Schiller-Räuber problem occurs in catalog applications when a data record contains the higher-level unit, for example a series of publications, including the name of the author (here Schiller). Another record contains a volume in the series. The author is not repeated because there should be no redundancy in databases . In the full-text search, neither of the two data records can be found by searching for "Schiller" AND "Räuber" . The original form of the Schiller-Räuber problem.
The redundancy must be created artificially during indexing . This is not always easy depending on the link structure of the data records.