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FCI Standard No. 131
1.2 Medium-sized hounds
Origin :


Alternative names:

Schiller hound, Schiller bracke

Withers height:

Male: 53–61 cm, ideally 57 cm.
Bitch: 49–57 cm, ideally 53 cm


not specified

List of domestic dogs

The Schillerstövare is a Swedish dog breed recognized by the FCI ( No. 131, Gr. 6, Sec. 1.2 ) .

Origin and history

These hounds probably had their origin in southern Germany: They were rather small, tan-colored with a black coat and little white markings. Further "accessories": Swiss hounds, some English hound breeds with probably the Harrier at the top. The name comes from the first exhibitor, a Swedish breeder and farmer named Schiller.


This hunting dog grows up to 61 cm tall and weighs 25 kg, tan-colored with a distinctive black coat. The hair should be harsh, but not too short and very close to the body. The ears are set high, drooping, with the front edge lying on the head.


The Schillerstövare is used as a hunting and companion dog.

Web links

Commons : Schillerstövare  - collection of images, videos and audio files