Umbrella board

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Example of a screen board with the color repetition of the sign

The screen board (also log , mirror or dice ) is an often used auxiliary gem in heraldry . It mainly serves as a base to be able to repeat the heraldic figure of the shield in the upper coat of arms , if the figure cannot otherwise be represented as a helmet ornament.

The umbrella board has been known since the Middle Ages . It is placed on a mostly decorated pillow-like ( helmet cushion ) or bulb-like base ( helmet bulge ) on the helmet , represented as an upright, round disk, fan-shaped structure, also a hexagonal, polygonal or regular polygon. The edge or the jagged tips are depending on the coat of arms with peacock feathers or peacock mirrors ("eye" of the peacock feather), decorated with flags or decorated with tassels. Clamps and buttons are also used . An important part of the coat of arms from the escutcheon, mostly image and / or colors, is repeated on the screen board surface facing the viewer. The representation as a pillow standing on the corner is also popular . Its main function was that of a billboard, in order to depict something that is usually difficult to depict.

There are representations that do without bulges or cushions and use different shapes (heraldic shield, trapezoidal surfaces, fan surfaces).

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. a b umbrella board . In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon . 6th edition. Volume 17, Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1909, p.  811 .