Battle of Lautulae

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Probable location of Lautulae

The Battle of Lautulae (near what is now Terracina ) took place during the Second Samnite War, probably in 315 BC. Chr. Instead. The Roman historian Livy has handed down two versions. According to his favorite, the battle ended in a draw at nightfall. The second tradition, which is also attested by the Greek historian Diodorus , says that the Roman troops under the dictator Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus were subject to the Samnites and that the magister equitum Quintus Aulius Cerretanus also fell in battle.


  • Grossmann, Lukas: Rome's Samnite Wars. Historical and historiographical studies on the years 327 to 290 BC Chr. Düsseldorf 2009, p. 92f.