Battle of Orchomenos

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Battle of Orchomenos
date 86 BC Chr.
place at Orchomenos
output Roman victory
Parties to the conflict

Roman Empire





Troop strength
15,000 - 16,000 75,000-80,000

about 100

hard, about 15,000

The battle of Orchomenos took place in 86 BC. In the city of Orchomenos in Boeotia between the Romans and an army from Pontus . The Roman troops were from Sulla , the Pontic troops from Archelaos , the general Mithridates VI. , guided.


Due to the exploitation of the Roman province of Asia (west coast of today's Turkey) by the Roman tax collectors, revolts broke out in Asia Minor . By order of Mithridates, in 88 BC Around 80,000 Italians killed (the so-called Vespers of Ephesus ). As a result, large parts of Greece were in revolt against Rome. After the victory at Chaironeia , Sulla wanted to meet with the troops of Lucius Valerius Flaccus , without realizing, however, that he was hostile to him. On the way to the agreed meeting point, Sulla learned of the landing of the Pontic general Dorylaios near Chalkis . This wanted to ally with about 80,000 men with the remaining troops of Archelaus in order to march together against the 15,000 Romans. After Sulla became aware of the new danger, he immediately turned around with his troops. Archelaus had meanwhile held the supreme command of the new reinforcements and began to deliver first battles with the Romans. After the first skirmishes, however, Archelaus changed his tactics and tried to wear down the Romans in a war of attrition with his mounted archers. It remains unclear why he used the relatively flat terrain near Orchomenos late for an attack by his strong cavalry and had a permanent camp built.

The battle

After Archelaus had the majority of his army take up fixed positions, Sulla began digging trenches to make cavalry attacks more difficult. The pontiers began to attack the workers at the trenches and the troops protecting them. Archelaus's stepson died in one of these attacks. Sulla was able to repel the decisive attack of Archelaus and, in turn, completely wipe out the enemy’s army and destroy its camp.


With the victory at Orchomenos the first Mithridatic war between Rome and Pontus ended. Mithridates was able to make a comparatively favorable peace with Sulla. However, the Greek cities that rose up against Rome had to pay ten times the sum, 20,000 talents, to Rome in order to maintain peace.
