Gundersdorf Castle

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Gundersdorf Castle, south facing side with arcades (2006)
Gundersdorf Castle, north facade (2016)

Gundersdorf Castle is a former manor in the town of the same name on Görtschitztal Straße (B 92), which today belongs to the municipality of Magdalensberg in Carinthia . The building was given its present form in the middle of the 18th century and is a listed building .


The place Gundersdorf first appears in a deed of donation in 1245, at that time the name Hundre (i) nsdorf was still in use. There is no mansion building here, so that over the centuries only a farm or an agricultural property should have existed here. In the middle of the 18th century, Anton von Dreer expanded the main building into a mansion, the exterior of which has not changed significantly since then.

Located in a spacious park at the foot of the sixties mountain, the castle is a representative, two-storey building with a horseshoe-shaped floor plan, with two short side wings connecting to a long central wing. The south facing side of the building is broken up in the middle by arched arcades and crowned by a triangular gable with a clock. The four arcades on the ground floor are open, the six on the upper floor are glazed. The windows on the upper floor are framed and have roofs. The small windows on top of the dwarf storey indicate that this storey used to be used as a grain store. Rustication is attached to the corners of the side wings . The side wings have two windows on the front and five windows on the outside; the unadorned north side of the building has a total of eleven window axes. In the neighborhood of the castle there are farm buildings and a small chapel built at the end of the 18th century.

The property has been privately owned since 1912 and is used for both agricultural and commercial purposes.

See also


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Coordinates: 46 ° 39 ′ 20.9 ″  N , 14 ° 23 ′ 3.5 ″  E