Purkersdorf Castle

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Purkersdorf Castle
Purkersdorf district court Hauptplatz 6.jpg
Alternative name (s): castrum Purchartsdorf
Creation time : before 1255
Castle type : Moated castle
Conservation status: Received or received substantial parts
Place: Purkersdorf
Geographical location 48 ° 12 ′ 25 "  N , 16 ° 10 ′ 30"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 12 ′ 25 "  N , 16 ° 10 ′ 30"  E
Purkersdorf Castle (Lower Austria)
Purkersdorf Castle

The Purkersdorf Castle is a castle in Purkersdorf in Lower Austria . It stands to the west of the main square of Purkersdorf behind the parish church of St. Jacob the Elder . Four three-story wings are arranged around a rectangular courtyard. There is also a two-axis porch with a tower-like risalit and gate.


Already at the beginning of the 11th century a Purchart de Louppah (Laabach near Gablitz ) is said to have built a permanent house at this point and, after centuries of desertification, founded a new forest settlement. In 1255 the "castrum Purchartsdorf" was first mentioned in a document as the property of Heinrich von Kreuzenstein. The landlord built a moated castle to protect the land, which had very strong walls with loopholes. This "fortress" was surrounded by a deep moat, which could only be crossed from the east via a drawbridge . At the east side weirs were at the corners and a built ashlar, the massive structure superior square keep . Round bell towers at the corners of the western castle wall provided an additional protective function. In 1284 a part of the castle was given to the Teutonic Knights . In the first quarter of the 14th century Purkersdorf came through marriage to Reinprecht I von Wallsee , who sold the Purkersdorf rule to the Habsburgs in 1333 .

The “Kayserliche Waldambt” had its seat here from 1500 to 1788. In 1788 it was merged with the Oberstjägermeisteramt in Vienna. An intermediate authority, the Oberforstamt Purkersdorf, remained in Purkersdorf Castle until it was abolished in 1830. From 1830 Purkersdorf Castle served as a simple forestry office, which from 1873 was called "kk forest and domain administration", which later became the forest administration of the Austrian Federal Forests .

The castle was destroyed by fire in 1529 during the first Turkish siege of Vienna and then drained and rebuilt from 1533 to 1553. In 1683, during the Second Turkish Siege of Vienna , it fell victim to the Turks again. Emperor Leopold I had the former moated castle, now called a castle, restored from 1684 to 1688 without towers. Around 1800 the court kitchen and a forest administration office were set up in the Zwinger between the inner and outer castle walls. After a major fire that destroyed half of Purkersdorf in 1842, the castle was to be demolished. After attempts to blast were unsuccessful, it was decided to restore the building. In 1896 the remains of the moat and fortifications were removed. Today the castle houses the Purkersdorf District Court, the Purkersdorfer City Museum, a community practice and private apartments.

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