sour cream cake

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Mandarin cream cake with coconut crumble

The sour cream cake is in many regions of Germany, for example, Westphalia, (also known as porridge or lubricating cake) Thuringia , Saxony , Hesse , the Palatinate and Südniedersachsen known. What the recipes have in common is the base made of yeast dough , on top of which is a mushy layer (hence the name "grease cake") with sour cream , quark or comparable dairy products ( pudding or porridge ). This can be mixed in the sweet version with pieces of fruit, in the hearty version, for example, with mashed potatoes. A layer of sugar, cinnamon, desiccated coconut or something similar follows (as a garnish); The hearty version mainly includes bacon, onions and a few caraway seeds. Also poppy is very common.


  • The annual city festival of the city of Dingelstädt also bears the name "Breikuchenfest".
  • When baking bread in bakeries in Upper Hesse , it was customary in many places to use the “first heat” of the oven (which could burn the bread) for a layer of sour cream cake, which was then consumed as part of the community while baking.

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Commons : Schmandkuchen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files