School sisters
School sisters is the (abbreviated) name of various Catholic women's orders that are dedicated to the schooling and education of children:
- Poor School Sisters of the 3rd Order of St. Franz Seraphicus, Franciscan Sisters of Vöcklabruck
- Poor School Sisters Notre Dame (Banat) in Timişoara, Romania
- Poor School Sisters of Saint Francis (SFSF)
- Poor School Sisters of St. Dominikus in Speyer
- Poor School Sisters of Our Lady - Congregatio Sororum Scholasticarum Pauperum a nostra Domina (SSND)
- Congregatio Jesu (English Fräulein or Maria Ward )
- Congregation of the Poor School Sisters of Our Lady according to the Rule of St. Augustine, Provincialate in Vienna
- Institute of the School Sisters of Graz (Graz School Sisters, Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception), Generalate in Graz-Eggenberg
- Congregation of the School Sisters of the 3rd Order of St. Francis of Assisi (Vienna) (School Sisters of Sarajevo) in Vienna
- Congregation of the School Sisters of the 3rd Order of St. Francis of Assisi (Amstetten) in Amstetten
- Congregation of the School Sisters of St. Francis, Franciscan Sisters of Erlenbad, School Sisters of St. Francis (SSSF)
- School Sisters of the 3rd Order of St. Francis of Assisi , Provincial Office in Klagenfurt
- School Sisters of Our Lady of Namur Sorores Nostrae Dominae - Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur (SNDdeN)
- Sisters of Our Lady (SND)
- School Sisters of the Holy Family
- School Sisters of the 3rd Order of St. Francis (Hallein School Sisters) (HSF)
- School Sisters of Our Lady (Bohemia)
- Sisters of St. Mary Magdalene Postel ( Heiligenstadt School Sisters ) (SMMP)
- Sisters of the Holy Family of Savigliano