Line of fire

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Line of fire in a telescopic sight

The line of fire is a military term that is also used in a figurative sense.


In the concrete sense, the line of fire is a marking inside a telescopic sight for the purpose of reticle .

Military importance

In a broader sense, the line of fire is understood as an imaginary line on which a projectile moves between the point of launch and the target.

In the Simmeringer Haide , a district in the Vienna district of Simmering, a street called the shooting line is reminiscent of a shooting range that used to be at this point. The path ran parallel to the direction of fire.

Figurative meaning

The phrase "in the line of fire" is used as a phrase . What it means is that you unintentionally and unexpectedly get into a situation of violent criticism from other sources.

In its original meaning, the portrayal of a person who is injured or killed uninvolved can often be found in western films . For example, in the film Doc West - Nobody is back, a boy is hit by a pistol because he wants to save the protagonist of the film.

Individual evidence

  1. Line of fire . In: Retrieved June 19, 2016 .
  2. Vienna Street Lexicon . In: Retrieved June 19, 2016 .