Black-breasted siskin

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Black-breasted siskin
Carduelis notata.jpg

Black-breasted siskin ( Spinus notata )

Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Finches (Fringillidae)
Subfamily : Goldfinches (Carduelinae)
Tribe : Carduelini
Genre : Siskin ( Spinus )
Type : Black-breasted siskin
Scientific name
Spinus notata
( Du Bus de Gisignies , 1847)

The black-breasted siskin ( Spinus notata , Syn .: Carduelis notata ) is a bird from the family of finch birds (Fringillidae).


Its areas of origin are Mexico , Guatemala , Nicaragua and Honduras . The home of the black-breasted siskin is in the north of Mexico (Chihuahua province) to Nicaragua, mainly the highlands between 2000 m and 3000 m. It lives in bush-strewn grasslands and light groves and is usually found in pairs.


Its diet consists of seeds (for example, thistle seed , grass seed, lettuce seed, perilla , evening primrose, niger , linseed ) and green fodder, with a wide range such as chickweed , lettuce, chicory , dandelion leaves and flowers, and sow thistles and their flowers can be fed.


When kept in a species-appropriate manner, the black-breasted siskin is not a problem bird.


Web links

Commons : Black-breasted Siskin ( Spinus notata )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files