Schwedderbergstrasse 25, 27 (Bad Suderode)

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House Schwedderbergstrasse 25, 27

The house at Schwedderbergstrasse 25, 27 is a listed building in the Bad Suderode district of the city of Quedlinburg in Saxony-Anhalt .


It is located south of the center of Bad Suderode, on the north side of Schwedderbergstrasse. The Schwedderberg rises to the south . The building is registered as a spa pension in the local monument register.

Architecture and history

The two-storey half - timbered house is older and was later converted into a guesthouse. The two-storey wooden veranda that was placed in front of the building on the street side is remarkable .

On the property there is also a summer house with an ornamental framework. It also has a veranda.


Coordinates: 51 ° 43 '32.3 "  N , 11 ° 7' 15.5"  E