Have a pig

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To have a pig is a German saying and means to be lucky .


The origin is not known with certainty.

1. Theory

The phrase probably comes from the card game. Around the 16th century , the ace was also known colloquially as “pig”. Whoever drew the highest card (sow) was very lucky .

In southern Germany, the ace in the sheep's head , binoculars or Gaigel game is still called “pig” today.

2. theory

A second theory explains the phrase about saving a pig:

The hall of the town hall Münden in the city of Hann, which is often hit by floods . Münden is richly decorated with murals depicting the city's history. One of the pictures (see photo) shows citizens of the city saving part of their belongings in the event of such a flood. Among other belongings there is a pig on the raft. Those who saved their pigs at the time were still doing relatively well after a disaster: they “had a pig”.

3. Theory

Another theory also found its origin around the 16th century. Particularly in difficult times, when the common people gnawed at their hunger, people talked about having had a pig, referring to the good old days when there was still enough bread and ham (or other food) available.

4. Theory

Many sources speculate that the origin came from a consolation prize at medieval sports festivals: the loser in the shooting competition would still have got a pig there. However, there is not a single evidence to support this claim. It seems unbelievable that something as valuable as a pig, which even wealthier people only slaughtered on special occasions, should be given away as a consolation prize; rather that would have been the main prize. And it goes against the saying that isn't used when you've lost.

An original source that tends to disprove this origin is the Ship of Fools published by Sebastian Brant in 1494 :

“If you want to shoot, you put it in
The three of the suw in the Ermel Heim "

This is where the saying comes from carrying the pig up your sleeve , meaning having to go home as a loser with nothing in hand. This is the exact opposite of having a pig .

Individual evidence

  1. Rule for Bauernschnapsen , mentioning the cards
  2. Wander: Deutsches Sprich emphasis-Lexikon , point 296.