Swiss Association for Solar Energy

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Swiss Association for Solar Energy
Logo SSES.svg
purpose Representation of solar power producers and users
President: Walter Sachs
Manager: Carole Klopfstein
Establishment date: 1974
Number of members: approx. 5,000
Seat : Bern , Switzerland

The Swiss Association for Solar Energy ( SSES , from the French S ociété S uisse pour l ' É nergie S olaire) is an association under private law that was founded in 1974 to show alternatives to nuclear power and fossil fuels. The SSES sees itself as an organization for the interests of producers and users of solar power .


The SSES was founded on June 22, 1974 as an association under private law in Bern. It emerged as an expression of concern about the Swiss energy situation of wasted energy and the lack of alternatives to the nuclear solution. The area of ​​activity encompassed more than just solar energy and pointed to other renewable types of use such as wind and water power, as well as the need for energy efficiency . Thus, the SSES was the first organization that was committed to the energy transition. With the Tour de Sol , which was held annually from 1985 to 1993, and the self-construction of thermal systems , for example with Sebasol, the SSES was able to further increase the number of members in the 1990s. With the increasing commercialization of solar energy, the SSES had to reorient itself and offer its members new services. It now sees itself as an organization for consumers and looks after the interests of solar system owners both politically and materially.

Organization and structure

The increase in membership in the 1970s finally led, for reasons of resources, to the still existing federal organizational structure in 10 regional groups (Neuchâtel-Jura, Bern-Solothurn, Basel, Aargau, Central Switzerland, Ticino, Southeastern Switzerland / Liechtenstein, Zurich, Northeastern Switzerland) and a specialist group (VESE) . Each regional group has its own statutes and organizes activities and events in its region, resp. Area of ​​Expertise. Until 2014, there was also a specialist group of solar women, which organized activities specifically for interested women. The non-profit association is run by the Federal Board (BV). According to the statutes, the operational management is entrusted to the Federal Executive Committee (BVA), which consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer and up to 4 other elected BV members. The BVA structures the day-to-day business and sets the political thrust, while the central secretariat carries out the tasks delegated by the BVA and is responsible for administration.

Projects and fields of activity

As a consumer organization , the SSES provides various services :

  • The SSES publishes the specialist journal "Renewable Energies" six times a year . It shows developments in the field of renewable energies and especially solar energy.
  • Information evenings on the subject of "Is my system working properly" and neutral system checks to monitor your own solar system
  • forumE– an energy transition forum for questions about renewable energies
  • Information and advice
  • The specialist group VESE offers additional services such as SIM cards for remote monitoring or cleaning of systems at favorable conditions.

In addition, she has a number of completed and ongoing projects :

  • Participation in the annual Swiss Solar Prize
  • Solar construction cooperatives
  • Days of sun
  • Solar farmers
  • Globi in the energy valley

Individual evidence

  1. History of the SSES:
  2. Zurich regional group
  3. History of the SSES:
  4. Regional and specialist groups of the SSES:
  5. History of the SSES:
  6. Statutes:
  7. Services:
  8. forumE:
  9. Official website of VESE:
  10. SSES projects:
  11. Days of the Sun:
  12. Solar farmers: