Heavy baggage

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In normal parlance, heavy luggage is a heavy load. This can be meant physically or psychologically.


The term is used (sometimes jokingly) for private baggage if it exceeds the usual scope. In a figurative sense for problems of all kinds in daily life.


In the case of the military, it is that baggage that goes beyond the adjustments customary in normal field service ( assault rifle and light backpack ).

Depending on the troop body, this mainly includes:

The weight to be carried is about 20 kg or more, depending on the task. In addition to the respective use, it is also carried for training or exercise purposes, especially during field camps , training marches or military night exercises .


  • Ernst Karl Guhl, Wilhelm Koner: The life of the Greeks and Romans , Weidmann, 1862, page 358. ( partial preview online )

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