Sister Sara

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Sister Sara (born January 3, 1946 in Al-Minya , Egypt ) is an Egyptian religious who has continued her work and the work of the "mother of the garbage people of Cairo" since Sister Emmanuelle's death.


Sarah Ayoub Ghattas grew up as the fourth of eight children of a wealthy Egyptian landowner. From 1960 she attended the French-speaking private school of the Congregation of the Joseph Sisters of Lyon. Since she was 12, she had wanted to live in a monastery. In 1970 she joined the charitable women's order Bamat Myriam (Daughters of Mary) founded by the Coptic Bishop Athanasius , where she made perpetual vows in 1973 and became superior of the monastery in Beni Suef . In 1971 she began training as a nurse in Minia. At the same time she applied for further studies and from 1971 studied social work and theology in Beni Suef.

In 1975, she accepted Sister Emmanuelle's invitation to help her take care of the garbage collectors in the slums of the Cairo garbage settlement Ezbeth-El-Nakhl and became a supporter of the Belgian nun, who spoke inadequate Arabic and despite good relationships with the families in the difficult environment Struggled to implement reforms to become an irreplaceable partner. After 18 years of working together, which moved to Mukattam in 1981 and to Meadi Tora in 1985, she succeeded Sister Emmanuelle in 1993 and also took on the collection of donations, which forced her to make 35 trips abroad by 2009. In 1985 she had a mystical experience in the basilica of Mariazell .


Sister Sara is fluent in French , English and Arabic . She calls for donations internationally. Since Sister Emmanuelle's death on October 20, 2008, she has headed the “ Association Soeur Emmanuelle ” organization founded by Sister Emmanuelle .


  • Sister Emmanuelle, my friend and mother. Our lives for the garbage collectors in Cairo. , Tyrolia Publishing House. Innsbruck 2013, ISBN 978-3-7022-3284-9 (translated from French by Anna Handler)


  • Pierre Lunel: Soeur Emmanuelle. La biography . Anne Carrière / Robert Laffont, Paris 2006.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sister Emmanuelle. My girlfriend and mother. Our lives for the garbage collectors in Cairo. Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck 2013, p. 74
  2. ^ Pierre Lunel: Soeur Emmanuelle. La biography . Anne Carrière / Robert Laffont, Paris 2006, p. 191 ff.
  3. ^ Sister Emmanuelle. My girlfriend and mother. Our lives for the garbage collectors in Cairo. Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck 2013, p. 197
  4. ^ Sister Emmanuelle. My girlfriend and mother. Our lives for the garbage collectors in Cairo. Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck 2013, p. 82