Lateral cord angina

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The lateral cord angina is also known as lateral angina or lateral pharyngitis and describes an acute inflammation of the lymph tissue in the area of ​​the throat. It occurs particularly frequently during or after an existing illness and is accompanied by a severe sore throat .


The lateral cord angina is a rarer form of throat inflammation (pharyngitis). In many cases it is the result of a viral infection, such as a cold. Due to the predominant virus infestation, the mucous membrane of the throat and pharynx is already impaired and other viruses and bacteria such as staphylococci or pneumococci can settle more easily. This is followed by an acute inflammation of the lymphatic tracts running laterally in the pharynx wall, which redden and possibly swell. Often a lateral cord angina develops in patients whose tonsils have already been surgically removed ( tonsillectomy ). This is mainly due to the fact that the almonds play an important role in the immune system by recognizing and filtering inhaled pollutants. If the tonsils have been removed, this function is missing and infectious pathogens can spread more easily.


People who have a side-strand angina usually feel exhausted and exhausted. In the course of the disease, the following symptoms may also occur:

With a look into the throat, the doctor recognizes the reddened and swollen side cords, on the surface of which there are often pus specks (strip-like coverings). In addition, swollen lymph nodes in the neck and jaw area can be palpated in many cases. To determine the type of pathogen causing the disease, the doctor will perform a throat swab . How long the lateral pharyngitis lasts is very variable. The better the immune system, the faster the disease will be over. In addition, the use of medication and home remedies can shorten their duration. An untreated side strand angina is transmitted to other people via droplet infection. So it's contagious.


The therapy of the lateral cord angina depends on the severity of the symptoms. In the case of a severe bacterial infection with severe symptoms, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory and pain relieving drugs. Treatment with home remedies is also helpful. Above all, the neck wrap has proven itself here. It promotes blood circulation in the throat and relieves pain and coughing. Another option is gargling with additives such as sage, which has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. In order to heal the lateral cordangina quickly, it is important to supply the body with plenty of fluids (for example in the form of tea) and allow it enough rest. Avoiding alcohol and nicotine can also accelerate healing.


A side strand angina is best prevented by a strong immune system . A balanced diet and regular exercise in the fresh air are important here. Since psychological tension also weakens the body's own defenses, good stress management and relaxation exercises can have a positive effect on the body. At the same time, it is important to avoid contact with the sick and to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly, especially when you have a cold, in order to prevent the spread of pathogens.


  • Michel Reiss: Specialist knowledge of ENT medicine . Springer Medizin Verlag, 2009, p. 486.
  • Claus Reiss, Ullrich Costabel: Clinical Pneumology . Georg Thieme Verlag, 2014, p. 248.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ärzteblatt: Tonsillectomy and adenotomy.