Celadon Quadrille

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The celadon quadrille is a quadrille by Johann Strauss Sohn (op. 48). It was first performed on February 15, 1847 in Dommayers Casino in Vienna.


The work was written for Mardi Gras in 1847 and premiered on February 15, 1847 in Dommayers Casino under the name Lions Quadrille . The name was later renamed to Celadon Quadrille by the publisher for reasons unknown . The renaming does not do the piece justice. The music is more in line with the first name that can be assigned to a Salon Löwen . Celadon (= languishing lover) seems rather inappropriate as a title name. Be that as it may, the work was very popular at first. Later it was rarely played, if at all, and was forgotten. This was also due to the large number of such works by the composer, which displaced each other from the concert programs.

The playing time on the CD listed under itemization is 5 minutes and 6 seconds. This time can vary somewhat depending on the conductor's musical conception.

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  1. Source: English version of the booklet (page 56) in the 52 CD complete edition of the orchestral works by Johann Strauss (son), published by Naxos (label) . The work can be heard as the fifth track on the 19th CD.