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without rank: Retaria
without rank: Foraminifera (Foraminifera)
Order : Trochamminida
Superfamily : Remaneicacea
Family : Remaneicidae
Genre : Septotrochammina
Scientific name
SY Zheng , 1979

Septotrochammina is a genus of shell-bearing, marine unicellular organisms from the group of foraminifera .

Features and distribution

The housings are free or firmly attached to the subsurface, the walls are thin, flexible and protein-based , and there are also tiny amounts of silt enclosed . They are flattened trochospiral and have numerous chambers and radial secondary partitions. The central axis of the spiral (the umbilicus ) is not grown, the aperture in the last chamber is interiomarginal.

The genus has been found so far in the East Atlantic (France), West Atlantic (Brazil), the Caribbean (Venezuela) and the Pacific (China).


The genus was first described in 1979 on the basis of a Chinese specimen by SY Zheng; older collections were previously classified as Remaneica gonzalezi .


  • Alfred R. Loeblich, Jr., Helen Tappan: Foraminiferal genera and their classification , E-Book des Geological Survey Of Iran , 2005, Online