Serena Daolio

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Serena Daolio (born June 21, 1972 in Carpi , Italy ) is an Italian soprano.


She studied at the Conservatorio di Musica Arrigo Boito in Parma and received her diploma from Donatella Saccardi . After graduating there, she completed her training with Virginia Zeani and won first prize in the Masini and Zandonai competitions.

For her debut in 2001 in La traviata in the leading role, she won first prize in the Primo Palcoscenico competition at the Cesena Conservatory.

She personally accepted the Renato Bruson Prize from Bruson in 2004 .

In January 2005 she won the Primo Premio Assoluto at the 42nd award of the Francisco Viñas Prize in Barcelona. In 2007 she had her most important performance with Pagliacci at the Teatro Real in Madrid under the direction of Giancarlo del Monaco .




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