Serio Digitalino

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Serio Digitalino (born November 26, 1956 in Matera , Basilicata ) is an Italian sculptor and painter .

Serio Digitalino


Serio Digitalino, departure

Serio Digitalino was born on November 26, 1956, the third of seven children in Matera (Basilicata) in southern Italy . He grew up in the Matera landscape, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and whose nature and materials influenced him. After leaving school, he completed his military service in the Navy. In 1977 he moved to Munich, where he has lived and worked ever since. He completed a private degree with the Munich painter Helmut Vakily . Due to technical training, Serio Digitalino has experience with various materials such as wood, glass and metal. He has lived and worked in Munich since 1977 .

Artistic creation

Sculptures, drawings, pictures

In his sculptures, Serio Digitalino achieves new forms of expression through the innovative and experimental combination of different materials. Natural materials such as wood, bark and roots are combined with inorganic materials such as metal or glass and combined to form a flowing unit. Warm-toned patina gives his works a luminous plasticity and liveliness. The sculpture “The Traveler” tells of being on the move, but also of the traces that life and travel leave behind on us. Archaic and stripped of all personal characteristics, the figure is only characterized by its scarf and suitcase accessories. The lack of personalization releases space that can be occupied by each of us: “The traveler” can be any of us. Half wood, already half human - the head sculpture “The Thinker” gazes at you from this in-between. The simple features of the face are carefully modeled out of the wood by the artist, individualizing properties are missing, the gaze is pensive. In “Creature II”, poison green verdigris covers the strange amorphous forms of ivory-colored root wood, which comes into tension with cool glass surfaces and metal struts: the symbiosis of nature and technology creates a new being, a new creature. The "conquest" turns things upside down. The steel helmet, which is supposed to protect the soldier from enemy bullets, is turned over and becomes a receptacle for rifle bullets, which shimmer faintly like children's marbles: The war is over.

In many of his works he combines sculptural and painterly aspects. In this way he breaks with the two-dimensionality of the picture by incorporating sculptural, three-dimensional elements such as wooden bark and metal struts into his pictures. In the cycle “The Wanderer”, Digitalino takes up sculptures from his work, such as “Creature” and “Man with Scythe”, and puts them in a new context. The drawings and pictures alternate between abstraction and objectivity. Strict geometric shapes and billowing color surfaces come into conflict, cryptic letter symbolism and figures that remain in the shadow create a dimension of the incomprehensible and intangible. The viewer is drawn into a mythical-mystical atmosphere that seems to lie beyond the tangible dimensions of time and space.

Visual impressions


His latest cycle of works deals with the topic of “new beginnings”. Titles such as “Aufbruch” and “Verlassene Zeiten” address both reorientation and a look back at the past. Traces of rust become ciphers of the past. An interplay arises - on the one hand corrosion and decay processes, on the other hand the radiance of the new beginning, which pushes forward in opposite directions.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 2012 Authors Gallery 1, Gallery Patrizia Zewe Munich, Gallery 49, Gallery S Munich, Art Pavilion Munich
  • 2011 Authors Gallery 1, Bad Tölz City Museum, Munich Art Pavilion
  • 2010 Exhibition Kunstpavillon Munich, exhibition in Murnau, Authors Gallery 1 Munich, KK83 in Blutenburg Castle, Bad Tölz City Museum, Germering City Hall, L'Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Munich
  • 2009 Exhibition in Murnau, exhibition Kunstpavillon Munich, Feldmoching district weeks
  • 2008 Exhibition KK83 in Blutenburg Castle
  • 2006 Exhibition in the Neukeferloh town hall near Munich, Pelkovenschlössl Moosach cultural center, St. Nikolaus Church, Sparkassen Informatik Haar
  • 2005 Exhibition in the "Orangery" in the English Garden in Munich, Galerie Roucka Munich
  • 2004 Exhibition AGS Werbung Welden, Künstler-Kreis-Kaleidoskop in Kilombo Munich, "Munich Art Gallery Fed"
  • 2003 City of Munich Cultural Department District Weeks, Exhibition Kunstverein Schollbrockhaus e. V. Herne
  • 2002 Exhibition Kultursalon hurdy-gurdy in Munich
  • 2001 City Hall Villanova D'Asti (AT) Italy, Rassegna d`Arte dell`Accademia Villastellone Italy, Chieri Accademia die Folli Italy, Poirino Salone Italia Nove Muse, Galleria Civica S. Filippo Italy, Ivrea Incontri D`Arte (AT) Italy

Web links

Individual evidence