Servaes van der Meulen

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Servaes van der Meulen (* 1525 in Antwerp or Mechelen ; † 1592 ) was a Franco-Flemish composer and organist of the Renaissance .


Servaes van der Meulen was organist at the St. Gertrude's Church in Bergen-op-Zoom and at a chapel in the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Antwerp. During his tenure in the spring of 1581, he was able to prevent the followers of Calvinism from dismantling the great organ in Antwerp Cathedral. In addition, the city's Calvinist magistrate has allowed him to keep his post as organist. When the republic of Antwerp was overthrown in 1585 and the city was taken, Alexandre Farnèse demanded that Servaes van der Meulen, who was considered a dissident, be removed from all posts. At the request of the Duke of Parma, the Council of Church Administration agreed that Van der Meulen would receive an annual pension. His successor in this post was Raymond ( or Rombout) Waelrant . No information has survived about the composer's later years of life.

Work and meaning

Van der Meulen appears as the composer of a four-part chanson that was published in the collection Dat ierste boeck vanden nieuwe Duijtsche liedekens of the publisher Jacob Baethen in Maastricht in 1554. This chanson begins with the text “Altijd so moet ic trueren en swaerelick tried” (I am constantly in great need). This song was again included in the collection of Dutch songs Een Duijtsch musijk boeck , published by Pierre Phalèse in 1572. It is a love song in which the lover turns to a third party, with the text of an unknown poet:

Altijd so moet ic doors
Tried en swaerelick.
Och Venus ic must visit,
With hopping ends
Want sij paijt mij met cluchten,
The alderliefste mijn.
Dat doet mij met onghenuchten
Van haer ghesceijden sijn.

Further compositions by Servaes van der Meulen are not known.

Literature (selection)

  • Jan L. Broeckx: Flandra nostra: ons land, zijn stand en beroepen , Volume 3, Standaard Boekhandel, Antwerp 1959, page 36

Web links


  1. Jan Willem Bonda: De meerstemmige Nederlandse liederen van de vijftiende en zestiende eeuw , Verloren, Hilversum 1996, ISBN 90-6550-545-8