Servizio ferroviario metropolitano di Bari

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Servizio ferroviario metropolitano di Bari
Bari mappa linee FM.svg
Country Italy
Lines 2
Stations 13
Tunnel stations 5
vehicles ELT 200
operator Ferrotramviaria
Power system 3 kV  = , overhead line


The servizio ferroviario metropolitano di Bari (it: Municipal Railway Company Bari ) is a local railway system operated by Ferrotramviaria in the southern Italian city of Bari .


For the development of the satellite town of San Paolo, built from the 1960s, the city council approved the construction of a local railway line in 1999.

The branch line was opened on June 24, 2008. After a few months of testing, suburban traffic was inaugurated on December 22, 2008 as the FM1 line.

On July 20, 2013, the second line (FM2) went into operation. It connects Bari with the city of Bitonto via Bari Airport .


Extension of the FM1

It is planned to extend the route to Quartier Regioni (1.5 km). The Cecilia stop is to be built in the area of ​​the municipality of Modugno .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bari con più realismo. In: I Treni No. 202, March 1999. Editrice Trasporti su Rotaie, p. 5.
  2. ^ Nuova ferrovia a Bari. In: I Treni No. 307, September 2008. Editrice Trasporti su Rotaie, p. 9.
  3. ^ Suburbana a Bari. In: I Treni No. 312, February 2009. Editrice Trasporti su Rotaie, p. 7.
  4. Bari, stazione-aeroporto collegamento via treno in 13 minutes for 5 euros
  5. ^ Nuova ferrovia a Bari. In: I Treni No. 307, September 2008. Editrice Trasporti su Rotaie, p. 9.


  • Hans Jürgen Rosenberger, Gian Guido Turchi: Puglia: lavori da Nord a Sud-Est. In: I Treni No. 294, June 2007. Editrice Trasporti su Rotaie, pp. 22-30.

Web links

Commons : Bari metropolitan railway service  - Collection of images, videos and audio files