Sextus Subrius Dexter

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Sextus Subrius Dexter was a member of the Roman knighthood ( Eques ) living in the 1st century AD .

Dexter is mentioned by Tacitus in the Historiae ; from this it emerges that around 69 he was initially on the side of Galba as a tribune of the Praetorians . In the turmoil of the Four Emperor's year he later sided with Vespasian . Two inscriptions on milestones found at Macomer and dated 74, prove that he was 74 governor ( procurator et praefectus ) in the province of Sardinia ; this post was associated with an annual income of 200,000 sesterces .

He was probably the brother of Subrius Flavus . Part of his name is listed in an inscription found at Patavium ; possibly there was therefore a family connection to the north of Italy.


  • Ségolène Demougin: Prosopographie des Chevaliers Romains Julio-Claudiens (43 av. J.–C. - 70 ap. J.–C.) , Collection de l'École Francaise de Rome 153, 1992, ISSN  0223-5099 , ISBN 2- 7283-0248-7 ( online ).
  • Hans-Georg Pflaum : Les carrières procuratoriennes équestres sous le Haut-Empire Romain , Paris 1960, volume 1.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tacitus , Historiae , I, 31 ( online ).
  2. Inscriptions from Macomer ( CIL 10, 8023 , CIL 10, 8024 ).
  3. a b c Hans-Georg Pflaum , Les Carrières, pp. 80–81, no. 35.
  4. a b Ségolène Demougin, Prosopographie, pp. 595–596, no. 701.
  5. Inscription from Patavium ( CIL 5, 2824 ).