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Shōtetsu ( Japanese 正 徹 , real name: Komatsu Masakiyo 松 月 招 月 , priest name: Seigan ( 清 巌 ); * 1381 in Oda ; † June 9, 1459 in Kyoto ) was a Japanese tanka poet and Buddhist monk.

Shōtetsu was born into a samurai family and came to Kyōto as a child. At the age of thirteen he met the poets Imawaga Ryōshun and Reizei Tametada and became Imawaga's pupil. At the age of seventeen he entered the Kofuku-ji temple in Nara.

From 1417 he stayed in the Zen Buddhist temple Tōfuku-ji in Kyoto. As a poet in the Fujiwara no Teika tradition , he is considered the last important medieval representative of the Tanka poetry. He was a prolific writer. Although 20,000 of his poems were lost in a fire, more than 11,000 poems have survived in the Sōkonshū ( 草根 集 ) collection . His literary theoretical treatise Shōtetsu monogatari ( 正 徹 物語 ) appeared around 1450 .

Individual evidence

  1. Shōtetsu. In: Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved January 30, 2012 (English).
  2. murmured conversations: a treatise on poetry and Buddhism . Stanford University Press, Stanford 2008, ISBN 978-0-8047-4863-6 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  3. 正 徹 . In: デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + Plus at Kodansha, 2009, accessed January 30, 2012 (Japanese).