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The complexity class #P ( English pronunciation Sharp-P or Number-P ) is a class of so-called counting problems (in contrast to the most frequently considered complexity classes that deal with decision problems). Many # P problems are closely related to the associated NP problems.

The class was introduced by Leslie Valiant in 1979 .


A problem is in the class #P if there is a nondeterministic Turing machine which is polynomially time-limited and for each instance of the problem has exactly as many accepting computation paths as there are solutions to the instance .


A well-known decision problem from NP is the satisfiability problem of propositional logic (SAT):

  • Does a satisfying variable assignment exist for a given propositional formula?

The corresponding counting problem from #P is denoted by #SAT and is:

  • How many fulfilling variable assignments are there for a given propositional formula?


According to Toda's theorem, deterministic polynomial time-limited Turing machines, which are allowed to make a single oracle query to a problem from #P, are sufficient to decide the languages ​​in PH . This is an indication of the enormous difficulty in solving #P problems exactly. On the other hand, the calculation tree of a nondeterministic, polynomial time-limited Turing machine can be searched completely in polynomial space, so that all # P problems can be calculated in polynomial space. This means that #P can be related to other important complexity classes as follows:


List of some # P-complete problems

  • #SAT
  • Number of perfect matchings of a bipartite graph
This fact is particularly interesting because the associated decision problem ( existence of perfect matchings in bipartite graphs) can be solved deterministically in polynomial time.
  • Permanent (a 0-1 matrix)
  • Number of linear extensions of a partial order


  • Leslie G. Valiant: The complexity of computing the permanent . Theoretical Computer Science, 8: 189-201, 1979
  • Graham Brightwell, Peter Winkler: Counting linear extensions, Order, Volume 8, Issue 3, Sep 1991, Pages 225 - 242, doi : 10.1007 / BF00383444

Web links

  • #P . In: Complexity Zoo. (English)

Individual evidence
