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The permanent denotes an object from linear algebra . For matrices similar to the determinant, it is defined as a polynomial in the entries of the matrix.


Let A be a matrix, then the permanent is defined as


where the sum extends over all elements of the symmetrical group .

Except for the missing sign of the individual summands, this definition corresponds to that of the determinant .


In contrast to the determinant, no simple geometric interpretation is known. Applications can be found mainly in combinatorics , for example in the calculation of pairings of bipartite graphs . In quantum mechanics, although rarely used, it represents the bosonic counterpart to the fermionic Slater determinant .

Calculation effort

Another difference to the determinant is the computational complexity . The polynomial algorithm for calculating the determinant (see Gaussian algorithm ) cannot be used for the permanent. From a special case for binary matrices one can conclude that a polynomial algorithm for the permanent would be equivalent to the statement FP = #P for complexity classes (a stronger statement than P = NP ).


The permanent is multilinear, fully symmetrical and normalized. A square matrix is written in columns as :

  • It is multilinear , i.e. H. linear in each column:
The following applies to all :
This applies to everyone and everyone
  • It is fully symmetrical :
Nothing changes if you swap two columns:
The following applies to everyone and everyone :


As with the determinant, the permanent is a special case of an immanent . For a complex character the symmetric group is defined as

The permanent results from the choice of the trivial character, the determinant from the choice of the sign function ; these two possibilities are special in that they are the only one-dimensional representations of the symmetric group.

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