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Shike in Longyin Cave near Guilin

As Shike ( 石刻 , Shike ) are in China, the stone carving in general, but especially the carved in stone inscriptions or reliefs referred. Historical events or biographical details are handed down in many stone inscriptions . They can be found in graves, in religious art (see also list of stone classics ) and on countless steles in many other sites.

Famous documents are:

  • the "stone drum" inscriptions (shígǔwén 石鼓文 - inscriptions on drum-shaped stone blocks)
  • the "Curse of Chu" steles (zǔChǔwén 诅 楚 文 / 詛 楚 文 - ten inscribed steles from the kingdom of Qin)
  • the stone inscriptions of the Qin State (Qínkèshí 秦 刻石 - seven inscribed Qin steles that tell of the heroic deeds of the First Emperor)
  • the Nestorian stele (Dàqín Jǐngjiào liúxíng Zhōngguó bēi 大秦 景教 流行 中国 碑, a stele for spreading Nestorianism in China)
  • the stele in memory of Prince Jin (Shēngxiān tàizǐ bēi 升仙 太子 碑)
  • the epitaph on the grave of Wang Xingzhi and his wife (Wáng Xìngzhī fūfù mùzhì 王兴 之 夫妇 墓志).

See also

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