Shisanjing zhushu

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Shisanjing zhushu ( Chinese  十三 經 注疏  /  十三 经 注疏  - "Commentaries and sub-commentaries on the Thirteen Canonical Books ") is in today's form as Shisanjing zhushu jiaokanji十三 经 注疏 校勘 记 one of Ruan Yuan (阮元; 1764–1849 ) A collection compiled during the Qing Dynasty and annexed with critical textual comments (jiaokanji), which reprints famous early commentaries and later sub-commentaries together with the individual Confucian works (the Shisanjing 十三 经, Thirteen Canonical Books). Specifically, there are the following thirteen classics : Yijing 易经 or Zhouyi 周易, Shangshu 尚书 or Shujing 书 经, Maoshi 毛诗 or Shijing 诗经, Zhouli 周礼, Yili 仪礼, Liji 礼记, Chunqiu Zuozhuan 春秋 左传, Chunqiu Gongyang zhuan 春秋 公羊 传, Chunqiu Guliang zhuan 春秋 谷梁 传, Lunyu 论语, Xiaojing 孝经, Erya 尔雅, Mengzi 孟子. The size of the Shisanjing zhushu is 416 juan, the Shisanjing zhushu jiaokanji 243 juan. The collection contains the annotations and commentaries of various scholars from the Han to the Song Dynasties, including Zheng Xuan ( Eastern Han Dynasty ), Wang Bi ( Wei Dynasty ), and Kong Yingda ( Tang Dynasty ). The collection was first published during the Song Dynasty . It was photographically reproduced in two volumes in 1980 by the Zhonghua shuju publishing house . There is also an index tape ( Shisanjing suoyin十三 经 索引). The edition published by Ruan Yuan has had a profound impact on the study of these classical scriptures.


  • 汉英 中国 哲学 辞典. 开封 2002

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