Shockwave 3D

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Shockwave 3D is a 3D engine of the authoring system Adobe Director , with one 3D create content and provides the Internet as Shockwave post or on offline media such as CD-ROMs or DVDs can. The integration and creation of 3D content in Adobe Director has been possible since version 8.5 with the 3D Xtra , which was developed by Intel . Shockwave 3D actors can not only be created and modified directly in Adobe Director with the Lingo programming language , but also from some 3D programs such as 3ds Max , Cinema 4D , Maya or Lightwave 3D via a Shockwave 3D exporter as a W3D file exported and imported into Adobe Director.

Build a Shockwave 3D actor

A Shockwave 3D actor contains geometry data of the individual models, the models themselves, possible groups, textures , shaders , animations, light sources and cameras. For each of these individual elements there is a palette in the Shockwave 3D world in which the individual elements are stored. The advantage of this structure is that the elements can be reused. For example, it is possible to create any number of sphere models from the geometry data of a sphere.

Animations in Shockwave 3D

There are two different types of animation in Shockwave 3D. The keyframe-based animation and the bone-based animation (skeleton animation), which is suitable for character animation, as the movement sequences can be represented more realistically. The bone-based animation also requires less memory and thus reduces loading times compared to the keyframe-based animation . Animations can not be created with Lingo , only controlled.

Scalable geometry in Shockwave 3D

Scalable geometry means the accuracy of the geometry data depending on the distance to the camera during runtime. There are two methods of doing this in Shockwave 3D:

Multi-Resolution Mesh (MRM)

This method consists of a single, relatively accurate, high-resolution model. Parameters that determine how much the number of polygons may be reduced during runtime are also saved with the model . The number of polygons depends on the distance between the camera and the model. The further the model is from the camera, the fewer polygons the model has. The closer the model comes to the camera, the more polygons the model has.

Subdivision Surfaces (SDS)

Under subdivision surfaces is meant an artificial surface subdivision at runtime. The models consist of a few polygons to which interpolated grid points are added at runtime, thus refining the representation of the model. This technique is used for curved surfaces or landscapes. The quality of the model at runtime depends on the computing power of the target system.

Hardware acceleration

Shockwave 3D supports the hardware renderer for Windows users ( DirectX , OpenGL ) and Mac users (OpenGL) alike. If none of the hardware renderers are available, a software renderer is used to ensure that 3D content can always be displayed. It is possible to let Shockwave 3D choose the best possible renderer on the target system.


Shockwave 3D content published on the Internet can be streamed in real time . This means that the polygon -Number of individual models can in a Shockwave 3D cast at runtime gradually increase and the models become more complex. You have the option of determining which geometry data is sent when and how.


Web links


  • Thomas Biedorf, Christophe Leske, Regina Müller: 3D programming with director. 1st edition, Bonn: Galileo Press, 2001, ISBN 3-89842-103-1
  • Nik Lever: Director MX 2004 Games: Game development with Director. 1st edition, Oxford: Focal Press, 2005, ISBN 0-240-51949-3