Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karatedo

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Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karatedo is a style of the Japanese martial art Karate and was developed by Masayoshi Kori Hisataka .


Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karatedo was founded by Kaiso (founder) Masayoshi Kori Hisataka in Fukuoka, Kyushu Island (Japan) after World War II. After studying the original forms of karatedo, he eliminated everything that was disturbing and useless for him and developed a form of the path that was appropriate to his high standards.

The name Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karatedo was honored by Kaiso Hisataka in recognition of three of the most important influences in the development of his form of Karatedo, these are:

- Okinawan Shorinjiryu Karate (deaths)

- Chinese Shōrinji Kempō

- as well as the martial arts styles of the Kudaka (Hisataka) family, Ryukyu kudaka jima Shishiryu Bo jutsu and Kudakaryu Karate jutsu .


In addition to learning kata, the Yakusoku kumite (agreed form of fighting) is a main part of the training. Kumite is often practiced with the use of “Anzen Bogu” protective equipment . An important part of the training is the continuous practice of the basic techniques according to the motto "Even after years you can still improve".


In his techniques, the founder Kaiso Hisataka, in contrast to many common karate styles, placed particular emphasis on performing the techniques with the vertical fist (Tate Ken), as this is much more powerful in his opinion. Foot techniques are preferably performed with the heel, in which the hip is fully inserted into the kick and push techniques. Always curl your hips and gain strength with your shoulders. The body should form a unit and with the twisting of the hips you gain about 10 cm of reach.


Breathing (Kokyū) in Kenkokan Karatedo also differs from other styles by concentrating the breathing in the center (tanden) while performing the technique and exhaling after completing it.

Weapons techniques

Buki Waza describes the training with traditional weapons in karatedo. It is an important component in the training of karatedo and especially in Kenkokan karatedo. The classic weapons on Okinawa include: a. Bo (long stick), Sai (three-pronged fork), Tonfa (handle of a hand millstone), Nunchaku (type of flail), Kama (sickle), Kai (oar), (medium-length stick), Naginata (halberd), Nunti (stick with Sai), and many others. These weapons were not assault weapons, but were primarily used for the self-defense of farmers, fishermen and monks against arbitrary attacks by samurai, bandits and robbers.

They were an extension of the arms and represented various possibilities of defense. Weapon training requires solid technical knowledge of karatedo in order not to injure yourself or others when exercising.

In the 'Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karatedo' three weapons are highlighted, the bo, the sai and the sword ( ken or katana ). These were selected to represent three categories, the long distance the Bo, the medium distance the Ken and the short distance the Sai.

The founder, Kaiso Masayoshi Kori Hisataka , was taught in this from early childhood. Later, the well-known armorer Sanda Kamagusuke ( Ufichiku Kanakushiku , 1841-1920) was used by the Kudaka family (Hisataka) to teach Kaiso Hisataka. Kaiso learned various forms of weapon training, including various Bo jutsu styles through his travels in China. The floor that is used developed from various uses of the long stick. After each training session, the Bo should be checked for damage to avoid injuries.

The main influence on the development of Shishiryu Bojutsu had a shepherd's staff to guide the herd and drive away predators. The main kata of the style is' Shishiryu no Bo (Kudaka no Bo) Kata. Hanshi Masayuki Kukan Hisataka developed the 'Gorin no Bo' Kata in various variations.

The Shishiryu Bo has a length of 6 shaku (Roshaku Bo, 183 cm). It should be made of oak or cedar and not tapered at the ends. Its diameter is 2.5 cm.

Bo jutsu techniques encompass five different areas: punching techniques (Tsuki Waza), striking techniques (Uchi Waza), sweeping techniques (Harai Waza), rotation techniques (Kaeshi Waza) and throwing techniques (Nage Waza). Etiquette follows the same rules as greeting and greeting in kata and kumite in karatedo.

Spiritual training

Various training methods have been developed for mental training in order to instill self-confidence and self-respect in the student through the strong physical training. Through constant practice, the student loses his fear in threatening situations and is less likely to fall victim to his fear or excitement. Out of this self-confident attitude of mind, the peacefulness of the practitioner and his tendency not to use violence to create respect is promoted.


One of the important aspects in Kenkokan Karatedo is etiquette . This serves as a guide in mutual interaction and respect for the dojo , the teacher, teaching and all living beings.

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