Sibylle Bamberger

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Sibylle Bamberger with TV presenter Roberto Cappelluti (2011).

Sibylle Bamberger (born Bögel, born January 26, 1968 in Breidenstein , Hesse ) is a German journalist and author. She mainly writes puzzle books dealing with biblical content.


Sibylle Bamberger was born the third of four children. After attending the Lahntal School and the Higher Commercial School in Biedenkopf, she learned the trade of a clerk.

The beginning of the writing activity was the book Querbeet through the Bible with about 70 puzzles. Two subsequent volumes followed. Sibylle Bamberger writes novels and themed non-fiction books under two pseudonyms.

Bamberg also writes lyrics, poems and short stories. She is also one of the authors of the edition volume of the Frankfurt library of the contemporary poem of the Brentano Society Frankfurt / M. the Frankfurt publishing group . Sibylle Bamberger is also the editor-in-chief of Backland.News, an online newspaper for the Hessian hinterland.

Bamberger is married and has three children.


more publishments

  • Lyrics "Accepted" - CD "Take some friends - make some music", Thilo Schneider (1989)
  • Lyrics "Long Distance Run" and "Chance" - CD "Way 2 your heart" by the Christian rock and pop band "Acceptance of Life" (1989) Record company: Go For Music / Catalog No.: 80704 / MS-ID : 1025705
  • Anthology contribution (crime thriller 2008/2009) “Lahn-Leichen”: “Ambush in the hinterland”, ISBN 978-3-839103-20-3