Siegfried Rosenthal

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Siegfried Rosenthal (born May 11, 1888 in Mayen ; † in the 20th century) was a German shipping entrepreneur and board member of the Rhenania shipping and freight forwarding company.


Rosenthal attended the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Cologne and studied law at the universities of Munich, Freiburg, Berlin and Bonn. After a long stay abroad, he became a court assessor in Cologne in 1914 and joined the Rhenania Group in 1919 , where he later became a member of the board. At the same time he was director of Rhenania Wormser Lagerhaus- & Speditions AG in Worms and Rhenania Revisions- & Treuhand GmbH in Mannheim as well as a member of the supervisory board of CG Maier AG for shipping, freight forwarding and commission in Mannheim.
