Siegmund Lieban

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Siegmund Lieban (born July 2, 1863 in Opole ; † February 9, 1917 in Berlin ) was a German opera singer (baritone).

His brothers were the baritone Adalbert Lieban , the bassist Adolf Lieban and the tenor Julius Lieban . He was married to the opera singer Margarete Lieban , b. Great, with whom he also stood on stage together.



  • Prologue from "Bajazzo" , clay inventory from Oskar Messter's estate, Das Bundesarchiv (N 1275-TON / 25)
  • Whether you love me: from "Nakiri's Wedding" (1905, Gramophone Monarch Record)
  • Zar und Zimmermann (Lortzing), Act III: Otherwise I'll play with Zepter (1906, Truesound Transfers)
