Sigitas Plaušinaitis

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Sigitas Plaušinaitis (* 1941 in Rudžiai , Šakiai Rayon ) is a Lithuanian specialist translator , lecturer in German linguistics and German as a foreign language .


Sigitas Plaušinaitis studied German at the Philological Faculty of Vilnius University . In 1972 he received his doctorate at Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages ( Moscow ) on " Razvitije vremennovo značenija predšestvovanija v formach perfekta, plusquamperfekta i infinitiva II drevneverchnemeckovo jazyka " ( "Development of temporary omen in the forms of Plusquamperfekts and infinitive II of the Old High German ") .


Sigitas Plaušinaitis has been working at the Philological Faculty of Vilnius University since 1964 . Since 1981 he has been a lecturer at the Chair for German Language at the Institute for Foreign Languages ​​at Vilnius University. From 1990 to 2002 Plaušinaitis headed the chair for German language. His research areas include the history of the German language, comparative linguistics and translations of historical texts.

Between 2005 and 2006, Sigitas Plaušinaitis published two German-Lithuanian legal language dictionaries with the German lawyer and lecturer at the Eurofaculty Yvonne Goldammer in Lithuania.

In addition to teaching, Sigitas Plaušinaitis works as a freelance translator.


  • Plaušinaitis, Sigitas / Goldammer, Yvonne: German-Lithuanian dictionary for lawyers / Vokiečių-lietuvių kalbų žodynas teisininkams. TEV, Vilnius 2005. ISBN 9955-491-89-2 .
  • Plaušinaitis, Sigitas / Goldammer, Yvonne: Lithuanian-German dictionary for lawyers / Lietuvių-vokiečių kalbų žodynas teisininkams. TEV, Vilnius 2006. ISBN 9955-680-21-0 .
  • Plaušinaitis, Sigitas / Goldammer, Yvonne / Jurčys, Paulius: German-Lithuanian legal dictionary for economists, lawyers and business people / Vokiečių-lietuvių kalbų žodynas ekonomistams, teisininkams ir verslininkams. ArxBaltica, Kaunas, 2007, (357 pages). ISBN 978-9955-755-42-5 .