Signature (sentence)

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Print letter (scheme)
Details Dimensions
1. Hallmark
2. Typeface
3. Flesh
4. Cone
5. Armpit
6. Cone
7. Signature
8. Casting groove
a head
b shoulder height
a + b font height
c thickness
d cone thickness / cone height

In lead type , each lead letter has a signature or notch (notch). This notch is always in the same position when the font is the same size.

The signature is used by the typesetter to recognize the correct setting in the angle hook . If all the signatures of the individual letters lie on a continuous parallel axis, then all letters have been set correctly (i.e. correctly read, not individual letters turned upside down). In addition, the same signatures show that no letter of a different font or a different font size was used at the same cone height ( onion fish ). Then the next line can be placed in the angle hook or the line (s) in the angle hook can be dug out and placed on the jib .