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Significant is a technical term introduced by Lady Welby in the philosophy of language .

In significs is both a scientific discipline for the study of human language and a name of a circle of scientists (especially in the Netherlands : Signifische Kring ), who worked in this sense.

With the distinction between sense , meaning and significance , a conceptual aid was created for the signified. In a language reform, metaphors that lead to misunderstandings are to be replaced by newly created expressions in order to clarify the plasticity of language.

An exchange of letters between Lady Welby and Charles Sanders Peirce from 1903 to 1911 about the Significant became important. It can be understood as a pragmatically founded semiotics .

The significant became generally known through the conversations between Welby and Frederik van Eeden and through Gerrit Mannoury it became a special philosophical direction in the Netherlands. In 1917 the Nederlandsche Signifische Bewegungsing (Dutch Significs Group) was founded by van Eeden, which in addition to Mannoury also included LEJ Brouwer , Evert Willem Beth and many others.


  • Victoria Lady Welby: What Is Meaning? Studies in the Development of Significance . London 1903. (Reprint with an introductory essay by Gerrit Mannoury and a preface by Achim Eschbach . John Benjamin, Amsterdam [ua] 1983. [= Foundations of semiotics; 2.])
  • Victoria Lady Welby: Significs and Language. The Articulate Form of Our Expressive and Interpretative Resources . London 1911. (Reprint edited by H. Walter Schmitz, John Benjamin, Amsterdam [ua] 1985. [= Foundations of semiotics; 5.])
  • Semiotic and Significs. The Correspondence between Charles S. Peirce and Victoria Lady Welby . Edited by Charles S. Hardwick and James Cook. Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington (et al.) 1977.
  • Kuno Lorenz : Significant in: Jürgen Mittelstraß (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia Philosophy and Philosophy of Science. 2nd Edition. Volume 7: Re - Te. Stuttgart, Metzler 2018, ISBN 978-3-476-02106-9 , pp. 374 - 375.