Jürgen Mittelstrass
Jürgen Mittelstraß (born October 11, 1936 in Düsseldorf ) is a German philosopher who specializes in the theory of science. He is editor of the encyclopedia philosophy and philosophy of science .
Jürgen Mittelstraß studied philosophy , German literature and Protestant theology at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg , Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and the University of Hamburg from 1956 to 1961 . In Erlangen he became a member of the Corps Rhenania Erlangen . In 1960 he received a scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation . In 1961 he was in Erlangen with the philosophical work “The rescue of phenomena. Origin and history of an ancient research principle "with summa cum laude to the Dr. phil. PhD . After postgraduate studies in Oxford in 1961/62, he was a research assistant in Erlangen from 1962 to 1970, where he dealt with the text “Modern Times and Enlightenment. Studies on the emergence of modern science and philosophy. ” Habilitated . In 1970 he was visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania .
From 1970 to 2005 Mittelstraß was full professor for philosophy and philosophy of science at the University of Konstanz , and since 1990 also director of the philosophy and philosophy of science center. In 1999 he was President of the XVIII. German Congress for Philosophy in Konstanz under the title The future of knowledge . He has been the director of the Konstanz Science Forum since 2006.
In 2011 he was appointed TUM Distinguished Affiliated Professor at the Technical University of Munich . In 2015 he was appointed honorary professor at the University of Salzburg .
Mittelstraß has been married since 1962 and has four daughters.
The main research areas of Mittelstraß are general theory of science , the history of philosophy and science , epistemology , philosophy of language and cultural theory . Mittelstraß is considered to be one of the main representatives and co-founders of the Erlangen-Konstanz School , a historical, encyclopedic and transdisciplinary reason-oriented advancement of the methodical constructivism of Wilhelm Kamlah and Paul Lorenzen . This group emerged from the close scientific collaboration with Kuno Lorenz , Friedrich Kambartel, Peter Janich and a number of others since 1970.
One aspect of Mittelstraß's work that received much attention in the 1970s was the clarification of the meaning of a historical theory of science. Mittelstraß is concerned with doing justice to Thomas S. Kuhn's historical observations while maintaining the idea of a supra- paradigmatic rationality .
Mittelstraß (as well as Friedrich Kambartel and others) defends the concept of philosophical justification , which is based on “lifeworld production contexts”, against approaches to the contrary . Mittelstraß's approach has both methodological and normative ambitions.
For Mittelstraß, philosophy is “ knowledge based on critical reflexivity , transdisciplinarity and methodical constructivity”. According to its systematics and history, it is “the place where the epistemic and social lines cross.” Mittelstraß is an energetic advocate of an important role for the interpretive humanities in the modern Leonardo world (made world). The constructive engineering is always supplemented by the interpretive and believing aspect. Construction and hermeneutics are mutually dependent on a transdisciplinary reason in which the Leonardo world and Leibniz world (interpreted world) ultimately coincide.
Mittelstraß has published over 40 books and collections of essays and over 40 book editions; also several hundred scientific articles. He is editor of the encyclopedia philosophy and philosophy of science (in the first edition four volumes, 1980-1996; from 2005 to 2018 the eight-volume second, revised and significantly expanded edition was created ), "the largest general reference work on philosophy in German-speaking countries".
Jürgen Mittelstraß, who, in addition to his scientific work, repeatedly calls for, initiates and organizes reforms in the sciences and universities, is a member of a number of important scientific bodies: 1985–1990 member of the German Science Council ; 1985–1999 member of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's selection committee ; 1992–1997 member of the Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG) ; 1993–1999 member (founding member) of the German-American Academic Council (Bonn / Washington, DC); 1993–1994 member of the strategy group at the Federal Minister for Research and Technology ; 1995–1998 member of the Federal Chancellor's Council for Research, Technology and Innovation ; 2003–2015 member (since April 2005 chairman) of the Austrian Science Council. 1997–1999 President of the General Society for Philosophy in Germany . Member of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin (1987–1990), the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (Berlin) , the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina (Halle / Saale) , the Academia Europaea (London, Vice President 1994–2000, 2002–2008 President), of the Convention for Technical Sciences of the Union of German Academies of Sciences (acatech), the Pontifical Academy of Sciences ; Corresponding member of the Académie Internationale d'Histoire des Sciences (Paris) and the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna) .
honors and awards
- 1989: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation
- 1992: Arthur Burkhardt Prize
- 1993: Order of Merit of the State of Berlin
- 1998: Lorenz Oken Medal from the Society of German Natural Scientists and Doctors
- 1999: Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany , 1st Class Cross of Merit
- 2000: Dr. Margrit Egnér Foundation
- 2000: Werner Heisenberg Medal from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- 2006: Bavarian Order of Merit
- 2007: Honorary Senator of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- 2011: Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art, 1st class
- 2011: Medal of Merit from the University of Tartu (formerly Dorpat), Estonia
- 2012: Schöller Honorary Award of Dr. Theo and Friedl Schöller Research Center for Economy and Society, Nuremberg
- 2012: Nicholas Rescher Prize for Systematic Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- 2015: Great Silver Medal for Services to the Republic of Austria
Honorary doctorates
- 2000: University of Pittsburgh , USA
- 2000: Humboldt University of Berlin
- 2000: Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iași University , Romania
- 2003: University of Tartu , Estonia
- 2004: Technical University of Berlin , Dr.-Ing. E. h.
- 2007: University of Duisburg-Essen
Fonts (selection)
- The salvation of the phenomena. Origin and history of an ancient research principle. de Gruyter, Berlin 1962, DNB 453411657 (dissertation University Erlangen-Nürnberg February 15, 1963, 281 pages DNB 481895299 ).
- Modern times and enlightenment. Studies on the emergence of modern science and philosophy. de Gruyter, Berlin et al. 1970, ISBN 3-11-001825-0 (habilitation thesis University Erlangen-Nürnberg 1968/1969).
The practical foundation of science and the task of philosophy. In: Friedrich Kambartel , Jürgen Mittelstraß (Ed.): On the normative foundation of science (= Scientific Paperbacks. Basic research. Studies. Volume 1). Athenaeum, Frankfurt am Main 1973, ISBN 3-7610-5602-8 (several editions).
- Excerpt from: Erich Menne (Ed.): Philosophisches Kolleg 2: Invitation to Philosophy (= Philosophisches Kolleg. 2). Patmos, Düsseldorf et al. 1977, ISBN 3-491-75502-6 , pp. 66-69, (several editions).
- The possibility of science (= Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft. 62). Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1974, ISBN 3-518-07662-0 .
- Plato. In: Otfried Höffe (Ed.): Classics of Philosophy. Volume 1: From the pre-Socratics to David Hume. CH Beck, Munich 1981, ISBN 3-406-08048-0 , pp. 38-62.
- Science as a way of life. Speeches about philosophical orientations in science and university (= Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft. 376). Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1982, ISBN 3-518-27976-9 .
- The modernity of antiquity. On the abandonment of the high school in the modern world (= Konstanz University Speeches . Volume 158). UVK - Universitäts-Verlag, Konstanz 1986, ISBN 3-87940-310-4 .
- with Martin Carrier : Mind, Brain, Behavior. The mind-body problem and the philosophy of psychology. de Gruyter, Berlin et al. 1989, ISBN 3-11-011830-0 .
- Mind, Brain, Behavior. The Mind Body Problem and the Philosophy of Psychology. Revised and expanded english edition. de Gruyter, Berlin / New York, NY 1991, ISBN 3-11-012876-4 (English).
- The flight of the owl - 15 theses on education, science and university. In: Winfried Böhm , Martin Lindauer (ed.): “Not much knowledge saturates the soul”. Knowledge, recognition, education, training today. (= 3rd symposium of the University of Würzburg. ) Ernst Klett, Stuttgart 1988, ISBN 3-12-984580-1 , pp. 129-146.
- The flight of the owl. From the reason of science and the task of philosophy (= Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft. Volume 796). Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1989, ISBN 3-518-28396-0 .
- with Wolfgang Frühwald, Hans Robert Jauß, Reinhart Koselleck and Burkhart Steinwachs: Geisteswissenschaften today. A memorandum (= Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft. Volume 973). Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1991, ISBN 3-518-28573-4 .
- Leonardo world. about science, research and responsibility (= Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft. Volume 1042). Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1992, ISBN 3-518-28642-0 .
- The untimely university (= Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft. Volume 1159). Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1994, ISBN 3-518-28759-1 .
- The houses of knowledge. Scientific theory studies (= Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft. Volume 1390). Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1998, ISBN 3-518-28990-X .
- Knowledge and Limits. Philosophical studies (= Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft. Volume 1566). Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 2001, ISBN 3-518-29166-1 .
- Transdisciplinarity - Scientific Future and Institutional Reality (= Konstanz University Speeches . Volume 214). UVK - Universitäts-Verlag, Konstanz 2003, ISBN 3-87940-786-X .
- Leibniz and Kant. Epistemological Studies , de Gruyter, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-11-024533-2 .
- Brave new world of Leonardo. Philosophical considerations. Collection of articles, Berlin University Press, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-86280-061-2 .
- The Greek way of thinking. From the emergence of philosophy from the spirit of geometry , de Gruyter, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-11-033618-4 .
- The philosophical view. Eleven studies on knowledge and thinking , Berlin University Press, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-7374-1300-8 .
- Art, love and Europe. Philosophical Seitenblicke , Velbrück Wissenschaft, Weilerswist 2017, ISBN 978-3-95832-127-4 .
- Theoria. Chapters in the philosophy of science , de Gruyter, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-11-059282-5 .
- as ed. with Martin Carrier and Gereon Wolters : Encyclopedia Philosophy and Philosophy of Science. 4 volumes. Metzler, Stuttgart et al. 1980–1996, ISBN 3-476-01354-5 (in a set)
- Volume 1: A - G. 1980, ISBN 3-411-01603-5 .
- Volume 2: H - O. 1984, ISBN 3-411-01604-3 .
- Volume 3: P - So. 1995, ISBN 3-476-01352-9 .
- Volume 4: Sp - Z. 1996, ISBN 3-476-01353-7 .
- 2nd edition, complete works: ISBN 978-3-476-02108-3 . 8 volumes. Metzler, Stuttgart et al. 2005–2018
- Volume 1: A - B. 2005, ISBN 3-476-01372-3 .
- Volume 2: C - F. 2005, ISBN 3-476-02101-7 .
- Volume 3: G - Inn. 2008, ISBN 978-3-476-02102-1 .
- Volume 4: Ins - Loc. 2010, ISBN 978-3-476-02103-8 .
- Volume 5: Log - N. 2013, ISBN 978-3-476-02104-5 .
- Volume 6: O - Ra. 2015, ISBN 978-3-476-02105-2 .
- Volume 7: Re - Te. 2018, ISBN 978-3-476-02106-9 .
- Volume 8: Th - Z. 2018, ISBN 978-3-476-02107-6 .
Web links
- Literature by and about Jürgen Mittelstraß in the catalog of the German National Library
- Literature by and about Jürgen Mittelstraß in the bibliographic database WorldCat
- Search for "Jürgen Mittelstraß" in the German Digital Library
- Website Jürgen Mittelstraß (University of Konstanz)
- "Scientific top" . Interview with Jürgen Mittelstraß on the Year of the Humanities by Konstantin Sakkas, in: Der Tagesspiegel , January 26, 2007.
Individual evidence
- ↑ Jürgen Mittelstraß, Günter Stock: “Chemistry and the humanities: An attempt at approach”, Walter de Gruyter 2018.
- ↑ Martina Plümacher: Philosophy after 1945 in the Federal Republic of Germany. Reinbek 1996, p. 212.
- ^ Carl Friedrich Gethmann : Kuhn. In: Jürgen Mittelstraß: Encyclopedia Philosophy and Philosophy of Science. Second edition. Volume 4, Metzler 2010, ISBN 978-3-476-02103-8 , p. 401.
- ↑ for example in Critical Rationalism and Fallibilism
- ↑ Mittelstrasse: Possibility of Science . Suhrkamp, 1974, p. 95.
- ↑ Mittelstraß: The flight of the owl. 1989, stw p. 231f.
- ↑ Kurt Wuchterl: Methods of Contemporary Philosophy. UTB. Haupt Verlag, Bern / Stuttgart / Vienna, 3rd exp. Ed. (1st ed. 1977) 1987, p. 281.
- ↑ Mittelstraß: Foreword. In: ders. (Ed.): The future of knowledge. XVIII. German Congress for Philosophy Konstanz 1999. Workshop contributions, Konstanz (Universitätsverlag Konstanz GmbH) 1999.
- ↑ Mittelstraß: Where is science going? About disciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and knowledge in a Leibniz world in: ders .: The flight of the owl. 1989, p. 60.
- ↑ Member entry by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittelstraß (with picture and CV) at the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina , accessed on July 20, 2016.
- ↑ With the constant involvement of Siegfried Blasche , Gottfried Gabriel , Herbert R. Ganslandt, Matthias Gatzemeier , Carl Friedrich Gethmann, Peter Janich, Friedrich Kambartel, Kuno Lorenz, Klaus Mainzer , Peter Schröder-Heister , Oswald Schwemmer , Christian Thiel , Reiner Wimmer in connection with Martin Carrier and Gereon Wolters
- ↑ With the constant participation of Gottfried Gabriel, Matthias Gatzemeier, Carl Friedrich Gethmann, Peter Janich, Friedrich Kambartel, Kuno Lorenz, Klaus Mainzer, Peter Schröder-Heister, Christian Thiel, Reiner Wimmer, Gereon Wolters in connection with Martin Carrier
personal data | |
SURNAME | Mittelstraß, Jürgen |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German philosopher |
DATE OF BIRTH | October 11, 1936 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Dusseldorf |