Friedrich Kambartel

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Friedrich Kambartel (born February 17, 1935 in Münster ) is a German philosopher .


Kambartel studied mathematics , physics , chemistry and philosophy at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster . In 1959, he was there with the mathematical work Ortho Normal systems and boundary integral formulas in the theory of functions of several variables to Dr. rer. nat. PhD . In 1966 he qualified as a professor for philosophy in Münster with the writing experience and structure. Building blocks for a critique of empiricism and formalism .

In 1966 he was appointed professor of philosophy at the University of Konstanz , where he played a key role in the development of the reform university (“Klein-Harvard am Bodensee”). Kambartel is close to the Erlangen school of constructivist theory of science . From 1993 until his retirement in 2000 he taught in Frankfurt am Main.


Kambartel's focus is on the philosophy of language , the theory of the exact sciences and the philosophy of spirit . But he has also worked on logic , action theory , moral philosophy and the philosophy of economics. He is a member of the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature .

His main works are the habilitation thesis “Experience and Structure” published by Suhrkamp Verlag in 1968 and the two collections of essays “Theory and Justification” (1976) and “Philosophy of the Human World” (1989), also published by Suhrkamp.

Two major themes run through Kambartel's work, on the one hand the primacy of practical reason and on the other hand the understanding of reason as culture.

The first topic primarily shapes the scientific, mind and action theory work. If practical reason takes precedence over theoretical reason, i.e. the latter only becomes possible on the basis of the former, then results of neuroscience can never show that humans are determined and cannot act freely.

The second theme only emerges clearly in the late work and then marks a distance from the conceptual attempts at establishing and defining the Erlangen school. Reason is not exact; B. to be understood as a principle or criterion. Rather, reason is a culture into which one grows, a social practice in which one forms one's judgment. Conceptual judgments such as Immanuel Kant's formula for an end in itself commented on excerpts from the “grammar” of this culture. Contrary to what Kant thought, morality is not the whole or the highest of reason. It is only one standard of rationality among others. Reason integrates this standard of rationality and weighs it against other standards of rationality.

Publications (selection)

Independent publications and (participation in) editions

  • Bernard Bolzano's Foundation of Logic. Selected paragraphs from the science of science, vol. 1 u. 2, with additional text summaries, an introduction and registers, ed. by F. Kambartel, Hamburg, 1963, 1978².
  • Experience and structure. Building blocks for a critique of empiricism and formalism, Frankfurt a. M., 1968, 1976²; span .: Buenos Aires, 1972.
  • Gottlob Frege: Legacy writings, with the assistance of G. Gabriel u. W. Rödding edited, initiated a. annotated by H. Hermes, F. Kambartel, F. Kaulbach, Hamburg, 1969; English: Oxford, 1979.
  • Historical dictionary of philosophy, mithrsg. by F. Kambartel, Stuttgart / Basel, 1971ff.
  • On the normative foundation of science, ed. by F. Kambartel, J. Mittelstraß, Frankfurt a. M., 1973.
  • Theory of Science as a Critique of Science (together with P. Janich, J. Mittelstraß), Frankfurt a. M., 1974.
  • Practical Philosophy and Constructive Philosophy of Science, ed. by F. Kambartel, Frankfurt a. M., 1974.
  • Theory and reason. Studies on the understanding of philosophy and science, Frankfurt a. M., 1976.
  • Philosophy of the humane world. Treatises, Frankfurt a. M., 1989.
  • Critique of reason according to Hegel. Analytical-critical interpretation of dialectics, ed. by Chr. Demmerling, F. Kambartel, Frankfurt a. M., 1992.
  • Philosophy and Political Economy, Göttingen, 1998.
  • Philosophy of language. Problems and Methods (together with P. Stekeler-Weithofer ), Stuttgart, 2005.

Articles in magazines and edited volumes

(The essays from the anthologies "Philosophy of the Human World", "Philosophy and Political Economy" and "Theory and Justification" are not specifically listed here.)

  • Symbolic acts. Remarks on the Foundation of a Pragmatic Theory of Language, In: (ed. By G. Ryle) Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy, Stockfield, 1976, 70 - 85; German: symbolic actions. Thoughts on the foundations of a pragmatic theory of language, In: (Ed. By J. Mittelstraß, M. Riedel) Sensible thinking. Studies on practical philosophy and philosophy of science, Berlin, 1978, pp. 3–22.
  • Comments on the question "What is and should philosophy?", In: Hermann Lübbe (Ed.): Why Philosophy? Opinions of a working group, de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1978, pp. 17–34
  • Trying to understand, In: (Ed. By B. McGuiness, J. Habermas, K.-O. Apel, R. Rorty, Ch. Taylor, F. Kambartel, A. Wellmer) The lion speaks ... and we can do not understand Frankfurt a. M., 1991, pp. 121-137; Also in: (Ed. by P. Stekeler-Weithofer) History of Philosophy in Text and Presentation, Vol. 9: Gegenwart, Stuttgart, 2004, pp. 288–309.
  • About the practical form of our life, In: (Ed. By H. Schnädelbach, G. Keil) Philosophy of the Present - Presence of Philosophy, Hamburg, 1993, pp. 281–289.
  • Normative remarks on the problem of a scientific definition of life, In: (Ed. By A. Barkhaus et al.) Identity, body, normativity, Frankfurt a. M., 1996, pp. 109-114; also in: (ed. by A. Krebs) Naturethik, Frankfurt a. M., 1997, pp. 331-336.
  • Truth and reason. To develop their practical foundations, In: (Ed. By Ch. Hubig) Cognitio Humana. Dynamics of Knowledge and Values, Berlin, 1997, pp. 175–187; Abridged version In: Information Philosophie, 1997, Heft 4, pp. 5–17.
  • The topicality of philosophical constructivism, In: (Ed. By Chr. Thiel) Academic commemoration for Paul Lorenzen, Academic speeches and colloquia of the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Vol. 13, Erlangen / Nürnberg, 1998, pp. 25-36 .
  • Truth and Justification, In: Dialektik. Encyclopedia of Philosophy and Science, 1999, pp. 37–52.
  • Strenge und Exaktheit, In: (ed. By G.-L. Lueken) Forms of Argumentation = Leipziger Schriften zur Philosophie, 11, Leipzig, 2000, pp. 75–85.
  • Semantic content and justification, In: (Ed. By A. Fuhrmann, EJ Olsson) Thinking pragmatically, Frankfurt / Lancaster, 2004, pp. 135–145.
  • Mind and nature. Comments on their normative bases, In: (Ed. By G. Wolters, M. Carrier) Homo Sapiens and Homo Faber. Epistemic and Technical Rationality in Antiquity and the Present, Berlin / New York, 2005, pp. 253–265.
  • Meaning, Justification, and Truth, In: Pragmatics & Cognition, 13, 2005, pp. 109–119.

Manual article

  • In: (Ed. By J. Ritter) Historical Dictionary of Philosophy, Basel / Stuttgart, 1971–1989, the articles: Sequence; Point of view / conceptual sentence; Condition; Experience; Size; Method (together with R. Welter); Natural history; Analytical philosophy and philosophy of science (together with G. Gabriel, Th. Rentsch).
  • In: (Ed. By J. Mittelstraß) Encyclopedia Philosophy and Philosophy of Science, Vol. 1 u. 2, Mannheim / Zurich / Vienna, 1980–1984, Vol. 3 and 4, Stuttgart / Weimar, 1995–1996, the articles: sequence; general (ethical); Analogies of experience; Analytics; Intuition; analytically; Anticipations of perception; Appredicator; a priori; Job; Aesthetics, transcendental; Bacon, F; Condition; Reason; Prudence; Bolzano, B; Bridge principle; Empiricism; Erlangen School; finite / finitism; Sequence (logical); Frankfurt School; Peace; Use value; Serenity; Marginal utility; Size; Size theory; Reason; Basic research; Principle; ceteris paribus clause (together with R. Wimmer); Idea (systematic); Keynes, JM; Consensus; Life, good; Life, sensible; Life quality; Malthus, TR; Added value; Metaethics; Medium; Moral; Moralism; Morality; Norm (action theory, moral philosophy); normative; Normalization; Use; Economics, political; Pascal, B; Person (together with A. Krebs, Th. Jantschek); Philosophy, practical; Pluralism; Positivism (systematic); Pragmatics; pragmatic; Principle; Justification; Regel (together with Th. Jantschek); Ritter, J; Sentence in itself; Scheme; Schematism; Scholz, H; End in itself; Criterion of meaning, empirical (together with M. Carrier); Socrates; Structure; Step; Symbol (together with B. Gräfrath); Exchange value; theoretically; Theory, critical; Theory and practice; transsubjective / transsubjectivity ; Universalization; Universality (ethical); Utopianism; Verification principle (together with M. Carrier); Intellectual concepts, pure; Requirement; unconditional / unconditional; Idea in itself; Law of value; Whitehead, A. N; Science; Science criticism.

Individual evidence

  1. Gerhard Lüdtke, Hans Strodel, Hans Jaeger: Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar . 17th edition. de Gruyter, Berlin, New York 1992, ISBN 3-11-011754-1 .

Web links