Sigo Breidenbach

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Sigo Breidenbach (born December 31, 1922 - † September 11, 2013 ) was active in the sports sector as a functionary .


Sigo Breidenbach was active in the figure skating department of the Düsseldorf ice skating community and in the 1960s became president of what would later become the general association of Düsseldorfer EG . He was also - secured from 1967 to 1975 - the president of the DEG Eishockey eV association. During his time as president, DEG achieved the first three German championship titles in ice hockey . Later he was appointed honorary president of the DEG Eishockey eV association.


Dr. med Sigo Breidenbach is related to Stephan Breidenbach .

Individual evidence

  1. a b RP-Online: Obituary 21 September 2013: Dr. med. Sigo Breidenbach
  2. Moskitos Fan Forum: December 20, 2012: "Family business in the spotlight"
  3. The West: September 25, 2013: DEG mourns the loss of Dr. Sigo Breidenbach
  4. NRZ September 25, 2013: DEG mourns the loss of Dr. Sigo Breidenbach
  5. Press release from DEG Eishockey GmbH: September 25, 2013: DEG mourns loss - DEG mourns honorary president - Dr. med. Sigo Breidenbach passed away