Silpha tristis

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Silpha tristis
Silpha tristis (Silphidae) - (female), Oostvaardersbos, the Netherlands - 2.jpg

Silpha tristis

Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Family : Carrion beetle (Silphidae)
Subfamily : Silphinae
Tribe : Silphini
Genre : Silpha
Type : Silpha tristis
Scientific name
Silpha tristis
Illiger , 1798
Side view

Silpha tristis is a beetle from the family of carrion beetles (Silphidae).


The black oval-elliptical beetles have a body length of 13-17 mm. The wide neck shield covers the base of the wing covers more or less. Three equally pronounced, shiny ribs run over the elytra. The side edge of the wing covers is relatively narrow and falls flat behind.


The carrion beetle species occurs in large parts of Europe. Their occurrence extends in the south to North Africa and in the east across Asia Minor to the Middle East (Iran). In Central Europe, the species occurs everywhere, but is not considered common. It occurs more frequently in Germany in the north than in the south. The species was introduced in North America and has established itself in the eastern Canadian province of Québec .

Way of life

The beetles can be seen from April to October. Both the adult beetles and the larvae feed mainly on carrion. In addition, various insects, worms and snails are killed. The species prefers less shady locations.

Web links

Commons : Silpha tristis  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Arved Lompe: Beetles of Europe - Silpha . Retrieved April 21, 2020.
  2. a b c d Karel Hurka: Beetles of the Czech and Slovak Republics . Kabourek, Zlin 2005, ISBN 80-86447-11-1 , pp. 65, 66.
  3. a b Silpha tristis . Retrieved April 21, 2020.
  4. Silpha tristis in Fauna Europaea