Silvia Lieb

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Silvia Lieb (born October 25, 1970 ) is a Tyrolean media manager . She is Deputy Chairwoman of the Board of Management of Moser Holding AG .

Live and act

Silvia Lieb attended the Federal Trade Academy in Schwaz, where she graduated from high school in 1989. She then completed a degree in economics (BWL, IWW) at the Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck, which she graduated in 1995. During her studies she worked as an assistant in the private clinic Dr. Pierer (Sanatorium Triumpforte), after completing her studies, she worked in product and sales management at Metasys Medizintechnik GmbH in Rum from 1996 to 1998.

In 1998, Silvia Lieb joined Moser Holding as an assistant to the management. Shortly thereafter, she became the managing director of the radio division, where she was responsible for the restructuring of business operations and the establishment of Funkhaus Tirol. In 2001 Lieb took over the management of Bezirksblätter Tirol , which at that time successfully started the expansion course into other federal states. In 2002 Lieb also took over the personnel management and commercial management of the Moser Holding. In 2004 he was appointed to the board of directors, and since 2008 Silvia Lieb has been deputy chairwoman of the board.

Since then, Silvia Lieb has been in charge of numerous major projects such as the realignment of the Oberösterreichische Rundschau , the establishment of the printing division of Moser Holding , the reorganization of night delivery, the launch of new products and the development of services in the IT and web area.

Silvia Lieb has been a member of the board of the Austrian Edition Control (ÖAK) since 2005 .

Individual evidence

Moser Holding
Generation Y has different requirements
Reliability and ability instead of old role models
Contracts from Moser Holding Management Board members extended
Silvia Lieb becomes Vice-Chairman of the Management Board of Moser Holding