Simeone and Machilone from Spoleto

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Simeone and Machilone von Spoleto ( Italian Simeone e Machilone da Spoleto ) are two painters who worked together in the region of Umbria and Siena in the middle of the 13th century. With the help of inscriptions on a panel of a Virgin Mary with child and a crucifix , the painters could be assigned to their work.

The style of Simeone and Machilone of Spoleto is influenced by Byzantine art , but also shows the further development of their painting style through influences from the centers of Gothic art in Italy at that time such as Ancona , Florence , Pisa , and Orvieto . Like the Franciscan Master, who also appeared in Umbria during this period , they combine the tradition of Byzantine icon painting with an Italian style, a combination that can be recognized later in the “Ognissanti” Madonna of Giotto , the “pioneer” of the Italian Renaissance .

Works (selection)

  • The virgin with child and four panels from the life of Mary , 1260/1275. Antwerp, Museum Mayer van den Bergh, inv. No. MMB.0195
  • Christ on the Cross (crucifix), 1257. Rome, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica. Palazzo Barberini Inv. No. 2465

Other works are attributed to the masters, such as B.

  • Madonna and Child Enthroned . Orvieto, Museo dell'Opera del Duomo di Orvieto, Collezione Palazzi Papali
  • Madonna and Child . Otricoli, Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta, Cappella della Madonna della Misercordia

Individual evidence

  1. EB Garrison: Simeone and Machilone Spoletenses . In: Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 91, 1949, pp. 53-58
  2. see L. Onorio et al .: Galleria nazionale d'arte antica Palazzo Barberini: i dipinti catalogo sistematico . (Catalog), L'Erma 2005, p. 411